How An Eviction Lawyer Helps Landlords
How To Handle An Unlawful Detainer
If you believe you have a bad tenant and need to file an unlawful detainer then call Mughal Law Firm to speak with an eviction lawyer in Alexandria, Virginia to know your rights as a landlord in the event that you have a bad tenant. As a landlord, then you know that no tenant is perfect and there is a fine line between a not perfect and a bad tenant. A not perfect tenant may pay their rent a day late or ask you for a lot of repairs. However, a bad tenant may not pay rent at all, destroy your property, or violate other terms of their lease.
What Are My Rights During an Unlawful Detainer?
An unlawful detainer (otherwise known as Eviction) is the method we use to evict a bad tenant from your property. It is a form accompanied by an affidavit and other proof of the tenants’ poor actions. In an unlawful detainer you may ask for monetary compensation based on the numbers clearly provable with your supplemental documents.
As soon as you file an unlawful detainer, the occupant must be served the documents, and a hearing will be set for 5-21 days . In most jurisdictions, it’s best to have the sheriff serve the paperwork. At the hearing, the tenant will have a right to contest the eviction and set the case for a trial 7-14 days out (depending on the jurisdiction). If the tenant does not appear, the eviction will be granted, along with any damages if your evidence is good. You can then arrange with the sheriff’s office to go to the property and remove the tenant from your property.
Mughal Law Firm is here to help!
If you are a landlord experiencing the effects of a bad tenant, then call an eviction lawyer from Mughal Law Firm in Alexandria Virginia. We help protect your rights as the property owner!