How To Access Your Vital Records in Virginia

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How To Access Your Vital Records in Virginia

Vital Records Attorney Virginia

Need to Change or Access Your Vital Records? 

If you need access to your vital records or to make changes to your existing records then call a vital records attorney in Springfield Virginia today! The expert attorneys at Mughal Law Group will help you in obtaining access to your vital records to; correct errors on your birth certificate such as a biological parent’s name being spelled wrong, editing your place of birth, or your date of birth. We have even handled extreme cases where you may be trans-age and actually be a 30 year old in a 60 year old’s body. In Virginia, changes to vital records occur through the courts by petition and with the help of a Civil Law Attorney. 

Do I Qualify for a Vital Records Petition?

To find out if you qualify for a vital records petition, you must have first been born in Virginia. If you were not born in Virginia, you must then follow the procedures of where you were born. You must also have evidence that you have asked the vital records office to change the requested information and that they have refused to do so. Finally you will need proof of the requested change such as a DNA test or an affidavit of birth.

Will I Have to Attend a Court Hearing?

To successfully make any changes to your vital records you will need to attend a court  hearing shortly after filing. The court will determine whether or not your vital records should be changed. What the court is looking for beyond any evidence is that there has been a mistake made or a compelling reason to correct that mistake. For example, if your rights over your child are not recognized because you are not on their birth certificate, the court will likely grant the change. However, if you want only to say you are 30 instead of 60 for the purpose of dating apps or other chicanery then the court will be unwilling to grant the requested change.

Mughal Law Firm is here to help!

At Mughal Law Firm, our vital records attorneys in Springfield Virginia can help you make changes to your vital records. Whether it is to correct mistakes on your birth certificate, have a parent added to a birth certificate or helping those who identify as a the age they feel we are here to help you!

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